.Text on the cards reads
A poem by Sukanya Subramaniyan
Text on the cards reads
Surprise, surprise!
Things are not going
according to plan.
Everything has chosen
to fall apart again.
The meeting, the ennui,
the despair, the pain.
The whole
day should've
been an email.
Text on the cards reads
So consumed by it all,
I miss the daytime show.
Why did the credits start rolling,
though I only skipped the intro.
Ah well, the moon’s
out now, and the WiFi’s
running fine. Even the
batteries are charged
for an impromptu
Text on the card reads
I switch to incognito,
and let out a big yawn,
as I mindlessly search for
something to get it on, when -
Surprise, surprise!
I stumble upon
a needle in a haystack.

Text on the cards reads
A sexy clip
from years ago,
a literal blast
from the past!
So delighted I am by
a coincidence
so wild, I almost
start to believe
I'm God's
favourite child.

Text on the cards reads
A smile graces my face,
as my legs stretch tall.
Okay, alright, maybe today
wasn't so terrible after all.