Happy Ending - A Poem

A poem about moving on from emotionally unavailable people



In the time you took to respond to my text 

I got a driver’s licence 

Drove all the way to Nepal from Bangalore 

And started a family with a man named Diljeet

Diljeet speaks my love language 

Emotional intimacy doesn’t spook him 

Diljeet speaks my love language 

Public opinion doesn’t spook him 

Diljeet speaks my love language 

Even paperwork & government officials don’t spook him! 


He guards my heart, 

Enjoys my art, 

He gets my flowers, 

Makes me whiskey sours 

I spank his bum 

And he makes me cum 


Again and 



In the time you took to respond to my text 

I uninstalled all dating apps 

And ordered a vibrator online 

I started by 

Erasing all the trivia about Chelsea FC, drones and death metal from the depths of my brain 

Then went on to 

Unlearn the taste of your favourite food, the way you smelt and parted your hair 

Unlike you, 

My vibrator is 


Dependable and

Secure (can you imagine?) 

Unlike you, 

It doesn’t interrupt my sentences 

It doesn’t pretend to be feminist to get laid

It never tries to explain Reddit to me - very slowly 

Unlike you, 

It makes me cum 


Again and 


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