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Moments in Our Life That Make Us Ask “Why Not Me?”

From not having a date on Valentine’s Day, to being overlooked by your crush, a long list of situations that make our hearts go all dard-e-disco

Illustration of two people romancing each other, while a third person sitting nearby looks sad. 


Moments in Our Life That Make Us Ask “Why Not Me?”

When you and your friend have a crush on the same person, they start dating, and you're left watching.

"I want to be happy for them, but I'm so jealous and hurt.”

An illustration of many naked people. Most of them are boasting about their sexual exploits. The figure in the center looks sad and thoughtful. 


Moments in Our Life That Make Us Ask “Why Not Me?”

When everyone is sharing juicy, sexy goss from their lives during 'Never Have I Ever' sessions and you've got nothing to share

“I'm such a loser... Should I make something up to save my face?”

Illustration of two people romancing each other. A third person is looking at them with confusion and sadness. 


Moments in Our Life That Make Us Ask “Why Not Me?”

When your partner insists that someone is their "best friend," but it turns out they were in love with them all along.

“I feel like such a fool. Was I just a standby for them till this situation worked out?”

An illustration of a person moving away from another person, who looks upset and is stretching out their hand towards them. 


Moments in Our Life That Make Us Ask “Why Not Me?”

When someone you're flirting with pulls away once they find out something about your identity (for example, your caste, sexuality, gender, disability, religion, mental health, etc.)

“Will I ever find love in this prejudiced world?"

A person reclining on a bed looking sad. A calendar on which Feb 14th is marked is lying near them. 


Moments in Our Life That Make Us Ask “Why Not Me?”

When your partner (with whom you are in a committed relationship) doesn't do anything special for your birthday/Valentine's Day.

"They don't care about me. I don't matter to them at all”

An illustration of a person combing their hair while looking into a hand mirror. 


Moments in Our Life That Make Us Ask “Why Not Me?”

When someone spots your hickey and is surprised that you get any action at all.

Am I really that unattractive? Why is that so hard to imagine?”

An illustration of a person holding their head in one hand and crying.


Moments in Our Life That Make Us Ask “Why Not Me?”

When you feel you've found "the one” to settle down with, but things go wrong and the relationship ends suddenly.

“I can't do this again... “

Illustration of a person looking sad and disappointed in the midst of a group of people who are talking on their phones.


Moments in Our Life That Make Us Ask “Why Not Me?”

When everyone gets a call from their special someone on New Year's Eve, except you.

"Bhaade pe loon kya kisi ko?? Why is it so hard?”

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