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Who Sez You Don't Have A Swimsuit Body!

Summer's here! And so are all the annoying advertisements and commercials about getting a "swimsuit body" a "bikini body." The advertisements that tell you that you can't have fun at the beach or bliss out at the pool because you don't look like a supermodel sulking in a swimsuit.
We say what the hell! Everybody is a #HotHotHottie when they're feeling happy and swimming makes us happy. So we've decided to fill the world with pictures of diverse bodies in swimsuits all summer. Not just beat the heat, beat the stereotypes too!
We are asking people to send us a picture of themselves happy in a swimsuit. And they're doing it! So here are the pictures from Week One to Four so far!
Send us yours - you can tweet it to us - @agentsofishq or email it to us
Let's get together and make a #SwimsuitRevolution!
In Week Two of our #SwimsuitRevolution campaign we were joined by our friends the wonderful Sexuality and Disability project in spreading the word and the love.
Agents of Ishq around the world - go on send us your happy swimsuit pictures - because every body is a swimsuit body!!

#SwimsuitRevolution - PICTURES FROM WEEK FOUR


#SwimsuitRevolution - PICTURES FROM WEEK THREE


#SwimsuitRevolution - PICTURES FROM WEEK TWO 

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giphy (18)


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