“I am not certain if women at large find their bodies as beautiful as I see them to be. I don’t know really, what they feel.”Women’s bodies intrigue, enchant and seduce me. They fuel my curiosity as an artist. Well, as a man also. I have always enjoyed observing the female form. Sometimes I get attracted to a woman’s personality – but if I don’t get deep into that aspect then it’s the curves of her body, the stillness in her eyes and the long, cascading hair that I find very beautiful. I am often more drawn to big bodied, fat women.
It’s difficult for me to point out what I really want to say through my paintings. Sometimes they come out my imagination; sometimes memory and sometimes I take references from the Internet. When in the mood, I just sit down with a pen and paper. Sometimes it happens out of guilt. After many non-productive days when I feel it’s high time I make something, I start drawing. I feel some of my works come from a place of sexual desire, and some just sexual frustration. Many times I think they are more like fantasies.
The women in my life, the ones I know, are very independent. They don’t have body issues as such, as far as I can sense. In fact, the ones who identify with the drawings, they don’t mind them at all. Many times when an image is done I put it on Facebook, so I am guessing, those girls who have inspired me they land up seeing them. Sometimes, because they want to and sometimes accidentally.
“It’s the curves of her body, the stillness in her eyes and the long, cascading hair that I find very beautiful.”I am not certain if women at large find their bodies as beautiful as I see them to be. I don’t know really, what they feel. I feel that every person instinctively recognises beauty as it is. From the first glance onwards they feel drawn towards it but then their social conditioning starts clouding their gaze. Yahin se sab gadbad ho jaataa hai. Society looks at women’s body as something that needs to be guarded. It’s looked at as a vault with hidden treasures. It’s a mind block that all of us suffer from.
I feel shame only when I don’t say what I actually want to. It makes me feel like a liar. But otherwise I am as shameless as it can get. Shailendra is a freelance filmmaker and artist. Know more about him through his poetry, stories and paintings which you can see here.