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Grown-Up Girls - A Series of Short Videos About Young Women & Adulthood In Collaboration With CREA SELF Academy

#GrownUpGirls is a multi-media campaign by Agents by Ishq that tackled the topic of early and child marriage. It was made in collaboration with the NGO CREA’s SELF Academy, which works to build leadership in young, rural girls. The campaign consisted of: 

1. A series of 7 docu-animation videos, each featuring a girl of 18, talking about her dreams and aspirations for the future. 

2. Two series of infographics, about the legacy of the fight for women’s agency, rights and choices in the country. 

Seven videos, seven young women of 18, each speaking about how they imagine their adulthood. As each outlined her dream for her life, she redefined women’s adulthood in terms of life’s myriad facets: Work, Goals, Romance, Success, Happiness, Freedom and Family. One young woman wanted to be a policewoman, sympathetic to women who were victims of sexual violence. Others wanted to be world-famous artists or football players, one just wanted to travel the world and be happy while others wanted more equal partnerships in marriage. 

Each story had a unique creative treatment, where animation depicted their dreams using different visual styles - Madhubani paintings, Bollywood images, miniature paintings and so on. 

The pre-launch online campaign featured each girl on a ‘film poster’ representing her as the heroine of her own life. This energetic and creative style avoided idealising or patronising the young women, and instead, presented their stories with a relatable effervescence and loving respect.

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